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YFS 03/03/09 Minutes

Members present:  
R. Allen, S. Barnes, A. Glorioso, K. Hanratty, B. Ruth, P. Viggiano, J. Welsh
Also present:
Director Larry Freundlich, Recording Secretary Linda McCall
Representatives of the 6 Mini-Grant Projects, Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Advisory Board and Harbor News
S. Cummins

Showcase of Mini-Grants
Before calling the meeting to order, Chairman Barnes welcomed all and asked the Director to introduce the 7th year of Mini-Grants.   Each grantee was invited to speak about its Asset Building Project, which is to be completed by September 30th, and received a Certificate.  6 grants awarded this year: Sound Steppers; Tracy Art Center; High School WISE Project (Latin Cultural Festival); Shoreline Soup Kitchen and High School Students; High School WISE Project (Senior Citizen Prom); Lutheran Church Homework Club.

Call to Order:  Vice-Chairman Welsh called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m.  

Comments from the Public: none

Review of Minutes of February 10, 2009:  Reviewed the minutes.  Viggiano made motion to approve the minutes as typed; seconded by Ruth.  Vote taken and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Chairman’s Comments:
Chairman Barnes asked members to begin thinking of nominations for Personal Achievement Award, to be presented to a graduating senior who has overcome challenges to graduate.  Will be on Agenda at upcoming meetings.

Director’s Report:  verbal report
1. Although YFS staff are spread thin with vacant Clerical Assistant position and Social Service Coordinator on leave, everyone is pitching in to cover.  Admin. Asst. is covering Social Services for emergencies.
2. The Youth and Family Services Foundation has received $33,000 from H.E.A.T., which they raised through donations, spaghetti dinners, and raffles.  $13,000 has been spent so far for heating assistance to families.
3. To improve lost linkage with schools, Director has started attending the Student Assistance Team meetings at the High School.  Arranging to have counselor Kathy Ferrantelli attend the team meetings at the Middle School.
4. Director noted agency has received numerous calls expressing interest in this year’s Summer Stock program.  2 week program for up to 50 children entering 7th, 8th, 9th grades will run June 29th – July 10th (performances 10th and 11th); 1 week program for up to 25 children entering 5th & 6th grades will run July 13th – July 17th (performance 17th).  Registration for both begins March 21st.
5. Staff are currently developing details for the Summer Community Service Program, Teen Trips and other summer programs.

Local Prevention Council Business:
1. Showcase of Mini-Grants – Presented at 5:00 p.m.
Old Business:
1. Drug & Alcohol Counselor Position  – Director reported the Board of Education still has the position on hold - only 2 resumes received after their last advertisement.
2. Town Budget FY 09/10 – Director reported the Selectmen seemed favorable to the budget requested when he met with them at their budget workshop.
3. Family Wellness Events – Director distributed flyers and passed around poster of upcoming events.  He reported the clinical staff would meet Thursday evening about the Depression Screenings planned for the last week in March.  Director reported he has been discussing co-sponsorship of speaker Grenough with some potential new partners (i.e. medical practices, PTO, Chamber of Commerce, etc.)  Director also distributed copies of the draft of the Student Wellness Week Events flyer.  There followed discussion of strategies the ADL club is entertaining for school-wide follow-up to the ADL program.
4. Answering Service for Counselors – Director reported the First Selectman approved the request to engage an answering service for after hour counseling emergencies.

New Business:
1. Commission Vacancy – Chairman noted that Welsh sent a condolence card to the Gesick family.  Discussion regarding procedure to fill the vacancy: Commission can make recommendations to the Selectmen who would appoint the At-Large Member.  Interested candidates should supply a Letter of Intent and Resume.  Email suggested names to Director.
2.  Drug-Free Communities Grant – Director reported he and the Administrative Assistant wrote and submitted the application for the 9th grant year.  As a result of the freeze on the Clerical Assistant and Mentor Coordinator positions, and the vacancy in the Drug and Alcohol Counselor position, we estimate a surplus of approximately $12,000 midway through this year – could grow to $28,000.  First Selectman is hesitant to commit these funds to staffing, as he is concerned about formulas for other state grants – in case we lose ground on other grant monies.  Director agrees with this concern.
Other Business:   
Director distributed and asked for feedback on the draft of the Men Get Depression flyer, which should be released tomorrow.  Suggestions for additional distribution sites: package stores, with Town employee paychecks, to firemen, policemen and others who work with the public; fitness centers.

There being no further business to discuss Barnes made motion to adjourn.  Welsh seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda B. McCall
Administrative Assistant